Laboratory Facilities and Equipement
Light-delivery device for in situ photocrystallography |
Time-resolved microscopy setup for multi-temperature luminescence studies |
Laboratory space |
We have designed and built a portable light-delivery device for in situ photocrystallographic experi- ments at laboratory diffractometer. The device is coupled via fibre optics with either ns pulsed laser or LED light sources. |
We have designed and built a setup dedicated to time-resolved lumine- scence studies of single-crystal samples at a 90–300 K temperature range. The setup is powered by the ns laser and enables observation (through the inverted microscope) and collection (via fast CCD camera) of emission data. |
Our group posseses laboratory space for sample preparation and characterisation. Current laboratory has a set of tools for high-pressure studies, fume hood with Schlenk line, vintage Bruker diffractometer and UV-Vis spectrometer. |
Large-Scale Facilities
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France |
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Didcot, United Kingdom |
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, United States |
Diamond Light Source, Didcot, United Kingdom |
European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany |
Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Trieste, Italy |
Department of Chemistry, |
University of Warsaw |
Żwirki i Wigury 101, 02-089, |
Warsaw, Poland |
(109A Office, Radiochem. Bldg) |
katarzyna.jarzembska@uw.edu.pl (K.N.J.) |
rkaminski85@uw.edu.pl (R.K.) |
+48 22 55 26 757 (K.N.J) |